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What Can I Expect During a Skin Care Consultation? Oct 16th, 2024

Feeling your best includes confidence in your appearance; at every age, your skin is a calling card to the world. As time passes, your skin’s needs change, so consider regular skin care consultations with dermatologist Jennifer A. Baron, MD.  Dr. Baron and her team offer a full slate of medical...

Can Microneedling Scar Your Skin? Sep 16th, 2024

When you seek to revitalize your skin to fight the effects of aging, any technique that produces effective and powerful results creates controlled micro damage to your skin to elicit a healing reaction. Your body retains the ability to create new skin tissue, but it does so only in response...

My Drooping Eyelids Are Affecting My Eyesight: Can You Help? Aug 15th, 2024

There’s no escaping the effects of time on your skin, even if you’re blessed with favorable genetics. Eventually, the skin begins to lose elasticity, sagging in places where the skin is the thinnest, and there’s nowhere on your body where the skin is thinner than your eyelids.  Jennifer A. Baron,...

What Blood Tests Can Tell You About Hair Thinning Jul 24th, 2024

When you begin to notice excessive hair loss, there’s no reason to resign yourself to a lifetime of thinning hair. Effective treatments can restore health and thickness after identification of the reasons for hair loss. Blood tests are a key diagnostic tool.  Jennifer A. Baron, MD, often turns to one...

How Does Mohs Surgery Work? Jun 19th, 2024

A skin cancer diagnosis, like any incidence of cancer, is a frightening prospect. The most common forms of skin cancer have an excellent survival rate when caught early, and the treatment you receive has an impact on your prognosis.  Mohs surgery, named for pioneering physician Dr. Frederic Mohs, precisely treats...

Vitamin C v. Copper Peptides, A Scientific Perspective May 19th, 2024

In the evolving landscape of skincare, two ingredients have emerged as game-changers, one verified, one an imposter: vitamin C and copper peptides. As a physician, my commitment to evidence-based practices compels me to delve into the science behind these compounds in our skin care armamentarium.   Copper peptides are touted...

Why Is PRP for Wrinkles, Scars, and Hair Restoration So Popular? May 9th, 2024

What is Platelet-rich Plasma? Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) starts with your board-certified physician taking a sample of your blood who then separates your plasma and growth factors and injects or applies these to your skin. PRP contains the self-healing messengers that consist of unaltered growth factors and other natural components of...

My Rosacea Is Embarrassing: Can You Help? Apr 1st, 2024

Smooth and even skin tone is a common characteristic of healthy skin. A condition called rosacea causes blotchy redness across your face, leaving a flushed and mottled appearance that can be embarrassing.  Rosacea often occurs in waves, affecting your skin before clearing up again. There are certain triggers that jumpstart...

Can I Get Botox and Fillers at the Same Time? Mar 15th, 2024

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as Botox® and fillers have revolutionized the medical aesthetics field, battling wrinkles and other signs of aging without resorting to invasive surgery. According to a 2022 study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 70% more people choose these minimally invasive options than in 2019....

5 Steps to Prepare for Mohs Surgery Feb 8th, 2024

While a cancer diagnosis is always frightening, skin cancer is both the most common and one of the most survivable forms of the disease. When Mohs surgery is appropriate for your condition, you’ll receive one of the most successful treatments available for skin cancer, with success rates as high as...

Refresh Your Eyes in the New Year with Blepharoplasty Jan 1st, 2024

When it comes to signs of getting older, the skin on your eyelids is prone to premature aging, and as gravity pulls them downward, you could take on a tired appearance that doesn’t reflect how you really feel. People who meet you for the first time may come away with...

Can I Get Fuller Hair Without a Transplant? Dec 7th, 2023

Medically known as alopecia, hair loss is a common and often unwelcome condition, affecting your appearance and even your self-esteem. Androgenic alopecia affects both women and men, resulting in thinning and lost hair.  You can also lose hair due to medical conditions that affect hair follicles. One thing that many...

3 Popular Medical Uses for Botox® Nov 1st, 2023

The success of Botox® Cosmetic since its 2002 introduction is no less than astonishing. Derived from a natural neurotoxin, Botox is instead a controllable neuromodulator, able to influence the way selected muscles work.  Jennifer A. Baron MD offers Botox Cosmetic injections for her patients. A class of wrinkles emerges from...

4 Tips for Making Sure You Get Natural Filler Results Oct 1st, 2023

When it comes to popular cosmetic procedures, soft tissue fillers are second only to botulinum toxin injections, the most popular of these being Botox®. Dermal fillers use an injectable gel derived from calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) or hyaluronic acid to stand in place of lost natural tissues. Dermal filler gels do what their name implies. As skin ages...

What's Involved in a Photofacial? Sep 1st, 2023

Light is both the friend and enemy of your skin’s health. Not enough sunlight and your body lacks vitamin D. Too much sunlight can mottle your skin’s appearance and worse. Caring for your skin requires a careful balancing act with the sun and its ultraviolet (UV) components.  Sun damage is...

Is Botox Really Worth It? Aug 1st, 2023

There was no way to know in 2002 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Botox® for cosmetic use that it would be the runaway success that it’s become. The reason is simple. Botox gets results that no other treatment this side of surgery can accomplish.  Most of the lines and wrinkles that...

Our Favorite Summertime Skin Care Tips Jul 1st, 2023

No matter which season is your favorite, virtually everyone has a soft spot for the carefree days of summer. Warm days and sunshine provide a feeling of well-being that provides a backdrop for vacations, fair-weather activities, and rejuvenating time spent outdoors.  No matter what it does for your spirit, the...

How to Manage Your Acne All Summer Long Jun 1st, 2023

It’s stubborn and persistent and there’s no guarantee you’ll leave it behind with your teen years. And yes, acne can get worse in the summer. Often related to hormone activity such as that during adolescence and later, for menopausal women, acne can flare up when pores on your skin become clogged with...

5 Benefits of a Personalized Skin Care Plan May 1st, 2023

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it’s more than just a flesh-colored wrapper to dress up the rest of your workings. Like other systems including the heart, muscles, and lungs, your skin responds to the care you give it.  With the proliferation of skin care products...

What to Expect After Mohs Surgery for Skin Cancer Apr 3rd, 2023

About 20% of Americans can expect to deal with skin cancer by the time they reach the age of 70. Every hour, another two people die from skin cancer. While it’s one of the most treatable forms of the disease, skin cancer is still dangerous and deadly. Early detection and...

How to Ensure Natural-Looking Filler Results Mar 2nd, 2023

Your skin receives much of its structural support from the collagen matrix in the dermis, the middle layer of your skin. As a natural consequence of aging, your body slowly loses collagen volume, typically starting in your late 20s or early 30s.  As the collagen matrix starts to recede, the...

Renew the Skin You're In with a BBL™ Photofacial Feb 5th, 2023

When it comes to your skin, light is both an enemy and an ally. Photoaging, otherwise known as sun damage, is the biggest cumulative cause of skin deterioration, affecting skin tone, texture, and pigmentation. Beyond the effects of chronological aging determined by your genetics, the light of the sun is your...

The Importance of Annual Skin Cancer Screenings Jan 1st, 2023

Perhaps you spend lots of time in the sun because of a job or maybe participation in a favorite sport. The beach is also an irresistible seasonal attraction. There’s lots to enjoy in life under the sun. However, being out and about in the daytime carries with it the exposure...

Anti-Aging Options: Which Wrinkle-Reduction Treatment Is Right For Me? Dec 1st, 2022

Lines, folds, creases, or furrows, they’re all part of the changing conditions related to getting older. These things we call wrinkles have a variety of origins and we must take these into account when it comes to anti-aging treatments.  There are two major reasons wrinkles form, as well as countless...

7 Lifestyle Habits That Support Healthy Skin at Every Age Oct 31st, 2022

Your skin is more than just a beautiful wrapper that holds your body together. It’s a tough armor that blocks pathogens and shields you from the elements. Responding to changes throughout your life, your skin protects you, but it also needs your support.  As a dermatologist and Mohs micrographic surgeon,...

How Microneedling Smooths Out Fine Lines Oct 17th, 2022

Skin changes become inevitable as you get older. Fine lines result as your skin loses hydration, elasticity, and middle layer volume. Outer skin layers begin to collapse into voids in the collagen layer and the search for a solution begins.  Dermatologist and Mohs surgeon Jennifer A. Baron, MD recommends microneedling...

Why Did My Doctor Recommend Mohs Surgery? Sep 1st, 2022

A fellowship-trained and board-certified Mohs surgeon can successfully cure a variety of skin cancers that may appear after years of sun exposure. Skin cancers are the most common form of cancers that humans develop in their lifetime, and they usually occur in the most sun-exposed areas, including face, scalp, ears,...

What Makes Fillers So Popular? Aug 1st, 2022

What are fillers? Dermal and sub-dermal fillers are high-quality injectable products that improve the appearance and contour your face, under-eyes, nose, and chin. By injecting FDA-approved fillers into precise anatomic locations of your face, Dr. Baron can restore volume and diminish wrinkles and deep folds. She can also perform small...

Is There a Way to Improve Heavy Eyelids? Jul 1st, 2022

Heavy lids can start early in life, but they are usually a gradual event. In some cases, there can be loss of upward vision as well as a feeling and appearance of "looking tired."  With two board certifications (Dermatology and Micrographic Surgery) and  fellowship training in plastic reconstructive surgery, Dr....

What Causes Adult Acne and Your Treatment Options Jun 1st, 2022

Acne outbreaks after the age of 20 are not only annoying, they’re somewhat different than those high school attacks. The immediate reasons for the inflammatory skin condition are the same, but the driving causes behind the buildup of skin cells, oil, and bacteria change as you get older.  Regardless of...

Mohs Surgery: What Does It Treat and How Effective Is It? May 4th, 2022

Skin cancers are the most common form of cancers that humans develop in their lifetime, and they usually occur in the most sun-exposed areas, including face, scalp, ears, neck, arms, and legs, but even genital areas can be at risk. Fortunately, a precise and complex process where small amounts of...

How Photofacials Can Treat Your Rosacea Apr 8th, 2022

While rosacea can affect anyone, women over the age of 30 tend to have a higher risk, particularly in some skin types. Genetic factors are believed to play the larger role in causation, but certain environmental and other stressors can cause severe flare ups. Photofacials use intense light energy transferred from...

I Have Saggy Eyelids: Can You Help? Mar 14th, 2022

Also called an eye lift or eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery technique that removes excess tissue upon which gravity works its ways, pulling skin downward to give you an inadvertent tired and droopy-eyed appearance. It’s not always an aesthetic concern. Saggy eyelids can sometimes block parts of your...

How Can I Turn Back the Clock on Aging Skin Dec 1st, 2021

Time, genetics, and exposure to the elements all combine to determine how your skin ages. Fresh, pliable skin is easy to take for granted when you’re young, but eventually relying on youth lets you down.  There’s no secret to effective skin care, but it does take some planning and commitment....

Why Do I Still Get Acne and How Can I Get Rid of It? Nov 1st, 2021

Most often associated with the changes that take place when you’re a teen, acne is more often due to various hormone balances in your body, not necessarily your age. While it’s true that these hormonal conditions affect many during adolescence, there’s no age limit on the skin condition. Adult acne...

What You Can Do to Prevent Rosacea Flare Ups Oct 4th, 2021

About 16 million Americans suffer from rosacea, which causes a flushed or blushing appearance, including blood vessels visible through the skin on your face. Rosacea disproportionately affects women with fair skin, often emerging during menopause. Men, too, can get rosacea, suffering from its effects on the nose more often than...

What are Antioxidants and How Can They Help Your Skin? Sep 1st, 2021

Oxidation is the action of consuming oxygen molecules for fuel. It’s the chemical process behind fire, rust, and even the living cells of your body. Your cells have their own metabolism. They breathe and react when affected by outside forces. Where your skin is concerned, these forces include exposure to...

Can Mohs Surgery Completely Remove My Cancer? Aug 5th, 2021

While some types of skin cancer are among the most treatable forms of the disease, particularly when detected early, they’re still cancers and as such, cause for caution and concern. When you undergo treatment, you want all traces of cancer gone, but that’s sometimes uncertain until testing can confirm the...

Why Adults Still Get Acne Jul 19th, 2021

While many people associate acne with their teen years, it’s possible for people to experience the condition later in life, even if they didn’t develop it in their teens. In fact, up to 15% of American women have adult acne, which affects women more often than men.  As with adolescent...

Tips for Protecting Your Skin This Summer Jun 10th, 2021

Every year, more Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer than all other cases of cancer combined. While skin cancers sometimes appear without an obvious cause, many result from exposure to sunlight and the cumulative effects that ultraviolet (UV) radiation has on your skin. UV light is a confirmed carcinogen, an...

Cover Up With PRP Hair Restoration May 16th, 2021

While hair loss is often an inevitable part of getting older, that doesn’t make it any easier if you’re bothered by changes to your scalp. Thinning hair can affect your confidence and satisfaction with your appearance.  A regenerative medicine technique may be the answer to your hair restoration dilemma. Using...

Oral Nicotinamide Prevents Common Skin Cancers in High-Risk Patients Apr 14th, 2021

Sometimes, simple solutions provide big benefits. When it comes to preventing skin cancer, an affordable, over-the-counter vitamin supplement may reduce your risk of developing the most common forms of skin cancer.  While it doesn’t replace sunscreen, vitamin B3 — medically known as nicotinamide or niacinamide — is shown to reduce...

What You Should Know About Mohs Surgery Mar 18th, 2021

It’s frightening any time the word “cancer” comes up in a medical appointment. When your diagnosis is skin cancer, you generally have a good prognosis, particularly if the disease is caught in its early stages. Some skin cancers can even be found before the skin changes become cancerous.  A treatment...

What's the Difference Between a Mole and a Skin Tag and How Do I Get Rid of Them? Feb 3rd, 2021

It is not always easy to tell apart skin tags, moles, and keratoses (“barnacles”). All three can range in color from tan to brown/black, gray to pink, or match your skin color exactly. Some moles are even a blue/black color. Moles are well-organized collections of skin cells that are specialized...

Botox or Fillers? Which Treatment Is Right for Me? Jan 24th, 2021

There’s no way to escape the effects of aging, and nowhere are they more obvious than on your face. Lines and wrinkles add up until, inevitably, there’s an older person staring back at you in the mirror. How will you deal with these lines that add years you simply don’t...

Microneedling With PRP: It's the Hottest Duo for Younger-Looking Skin Dec 17th, 2020

Today, you can choose from seemingly countless cosmetic treatments to improve your skin. Many are synthetic, though, while others come with significant downtime. If you want to get younger-looking skin with safe, natural treatments and no extensive recovery period, you might feel stumped. Luckily, Jennifer Baron, MD, offers exactly that...